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SmartCheck® Digital Ear Scope

From Children’s TYLENOL®

  • Get expert care 24/7 from the comfort of your home with this digital ear otoscope. The SmartCheck® otoscope attaches to your phone’s camera so you can capture recordings and images to share with your healthcare provider or a telemedicine provider to help them detect and identify ear infections remotely. Patented Eardrum Finder helps you capture a clear recording of your child’s eardrum.

  • The SmartCheck® app lets you review past recordings with your healthcare provider to compare and track over time.

  • Easily slide the SmartCheck® device over your smartphone’s camera to turn it into an at-home pediatric otoscope (ear scope).

  • This portable digital ear scope is compatible with most phones. See the full list below for details.


Download with Apple App Store

Download with Google Play

To determine if the SmartCheck® Digital Ear Scope app is compatible with your phone’s operating system (Android OS or iOS), please check the App Store or Google Play.

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SmartCheck Slide

1. Slide

Easily slides on and securely attaches to your phone

Align the SmartCheck® device over your smartphone’s main camera to turn it into an otoscope.

SmartCheck Snap Image

2. Snap

Just like at the doctor’s office… but from the comfort from home

The SmartCheck® device works in the same way as the otoscope (ear scope) that your doctor uses. The in-app prompts and patented guidance feature can help you capture a clear recording of your child’s eardrum.

SmartCheck Share Image

3. Share

Receive expert care and diagnosis remotely

Quickly and conveniently share recordings 24/7 with your healthcare provider or a telemedicine provider without having to leave home.


What’s Included?

SmartCheck - Device

SmartCheck® device

SmartCheck - 6 single-use pediatric tips

6 single-use pediatric tips

SmartCheck - 6 single-use child/adult tips

6 single-use child/adult tips

SmartCheck - 1 Alkaline AAA battery

1 alkaline AAA battery

You’ll need a small (size #000) Phillips-head screwdriver to install the battery. Screwdriver not included.


Who Can the SmartCheck® Device Be Used On?



6 months - 1 year*

*Ask your healthcare provider before use if your child is age 6-12 months.



1 year - 3 years

Children + Adults

Children + Adults

3 years +

Warning Icon


SmartCheck® should not be used on children who have ear tubes, have recently underwent any ear surgery, or who have health conditions that affect the anatomy of the ear, balance, and steadiness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Share this information sheet with them. It helps explain to healthcare providers how SmartCheck® works.

The SmartCheck® device is an eligible healthcare expense* that can be purchased using money from your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA).

* Product eligibility may vary by plan. Check with your benefits administrator before buying to determine which expenses are eligible.

While the device is in your child’s ear, they will need to remain still. Sudden movement by your child or the device operator could result in injury to the ear.

The in-app tutorials will demonstrate appropriate positions for your child based on their age. If they have trouble sitting still, see the Troubleshooting video for other positions that may be helpful for your child.

Some parents find it helpful to distract their child with their favorite TV show, book, or toy.

Do not use the SmartCheck® device if your child is moving excessively or can’t sit still. Contact your healthcare provider to assess your child’s ear if they continue to have trouble sitting still.

Based on what they see in the recording, what happens after a healthcare professional reviews your recordings may vary. The provider may request to see you in their office, refer you to another in-person office, or they may be able to make a diagnosis based on the recording. If your child is diagnosed with an ear infection, the healthcare provider will share next steps, which may include watching the ear and waiting to see if it gets better, prescribing antibiotics, and/or recommending over-the-counter medication.

I have my SmartCheck® device. What’s next?

Follow our step-by-step process to help you start using SmartCheck®.

Contents of SmartCheck device laid out on table
