Calambres y dolor nocturnos en las piernas: causas, tratamiento y prevención

¿Alguna vez viste interrumpido tu sueño por un calambre o dolor repentino en las piernas durante la noche? You’re not alone. In fact up to 60% of adults have experienced uncomfortable leg cramps at night1.

Una persona tratando de aliviarse el dolor de piernas

These intense muscle pains – sometimes known as “charley horses” – are usually felt in your calf, foot or thigh, lasting anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes at a time2.

Sin embargo, pueden tener un impacto prolongado en tu patrón de sueño y en tu rutina diaria, especialmente si se producen con frecuencia.

Por suerte, hay varias formas de aliviar, tratar y prevenir los calambres nocturnos en las piernas. Sigue leyendo para obtener más información sobre las causas del dolor en las piernas y los posibles tratamientos.

Causas del dolor de piernas y los calambres nocturnos

It can be hard to pinpoint the exact cause of our leg pain3. Some leg cramps are ‘idiopathic’, which means they have no known cause2. Pero existen varias teorías populares sobre las causas de los calambres en las pantorrillas y el dolor de muslos nocturnos, como las siguientes:

  • Muscle fatigue – too much high-intensity exercise is one of the most common links to leg pain, as overworking your muscles can cause them to cramp during the night1
  • Nerve issues – a pinched nerve or spinal cord injury can put pressure on your nerves, causing muscle cramps in your legs4
  • Sitting or standing for long periods – this can restrict blood supply, which can increase the chances of leg pain or cramps2
  • Pregnancy – pregnant women often experience leg cramps at night, usually in the second or third trimester5
  • Medications – leg cramps can be a side effect of certain medications, such as blood pressure drugs, diuretics and statins3

Age can also be a factor, as the risk of leg pain and other pains at night increases as you get older3.

Enfermedades asociadas con el dolor de piernas y los calambres nocturnos

Some cramps in the calfs, feet or elsewhere may be linked to an underlying condition, such as2:

  • Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) – a narrowing of the peripheral arteries that carry blood from your heart to other parts of the body. Lower-extremity ‘PAD’ is the most common type, and reduces blood flow to your legs and feet6
  • Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) – similar to the above, but to do with the coronary arteries that bring blood to your heart7
  • Spinal stenosis – a narrowing of spaces within your spine, which can put pressure on your nerves8
  • Kidney failure – where one or both kidneys no longer work2
  • Diabetic neuropathy – a type of nerve damage that may affect up to 50% of people with diabetes9

Algunas personas también pueden confundir el síndrome de las piernas inquietas con los calambres nocturnos, pero no son la misma afección. RLS doesn’t tend to be painful either3.

Síntomas y tipos de dolor de piernas nocturno

Las personas pueden experimentar calambres musculares, dolor intenso o molestias en las piernas durante la noche en distintas zonas corporales. Algunos de los tipos de dolor de piernas que se pueden presentar al dormir son los siguientes:

  • Calf cramps at night – these tend to be the most common 1. They usually involve your gastrocnemius or soleus muscles, but can also affect other parts of your leg10 too
  • Foot pain – the muscles in the sole of your foot function the same way as your calf muscles, so some nocturnal cramps may cause a tightening here10
  • Thigh aches – you may experience thigh pain at night from nocturnal cramps
  • Aching knees at night – these could be a sign of injury, inflammation or arthritis11. A combination of knee and ankle pain at night can also be an indication12

En cuanto a los síntomas en sí, dependerán del tipo de dolor. Es posible que experimentes dolor en las piernas o huesos de las piernas, o dolor punzante en la rodilla.

As well as an initial muscle tightening or spasm from the leg cramps, up to 20% of patients experience daily symptoms too1.

Si el problema persiste o experimentas calambres crónicos, debes hablar con un médico lo antes posible.

Tratamiento y alivio del dolor de piernas nocturno

Aunque generalmente los calambres en las piernas solo duran unos minutos o incluso segundos, pueden causar un dolor intenso, lo que genera incomodidad y altera el sueño. Given how important sleep is for our health and well-being, it’s important to manage this issue.

Fortunately, there are some leg pain remedies and prevention tactics you can try to help treat your sore legs, and sleep better.

Remedios caseros para el dolor y los calambres de las piernas

Various leg pain relief techniques can help ease your discomfort when a muscle cramp strikes, including2:

  • Stretching – straighten your leg and flex your foot to stretch out any cramping muscles
  • Massage – using your hands or a foam roller, massage any knots in the muscles to help them relax
  • Movement – get out of bed and press your feet against the floor, or walk around the room to aid muscle movement and blood circulation
  • Applying a cold or hot press – try using a heating pad or ice pack on the painful area of your leg to ease the discomfort. Solo ten cuidado de no quemarte la piel.
  • Over-the-counter pain reliefTYLENOL® PM Extra Strength Nighttime Pain Reliever & Sleep Aid contains 500mg acetaminophen, which can provide temporary leg pain relief, and help with falling asleep.

OTC medication can also help if you’re suffering from back pain at night too.

Cómo prevenir el dolor y los calambres nocturnos en las piernas

¿Buscas formas de poner fin a los calambres nocturnos en las piernas? Try out these simple tips that might help reduce them13:

  • Give your legs a good stretch before bed with our simple guides to calf stretches and hamstring stretches
  • Bebe mucha agua durante el día para mantenerte hidratado.
  • Asegúrate de que el calzado que usas todos los días te brinde buen soporte.
  • Afloja las sábanas al pie de la cama para que las piernas no estén restringidas durante la noche.

Cuándo consultar a un médico sobre el dolor nocturno de piernas

If you’re experiencing frequent, unbearable or long-lasting leg cramps at night – which interrupt your sleep and disturb your daily life – you should speak to a doctor to see if there is any underlying cause2.

You should also seek immediate medical attention if you experience leg pain after being exposed to an infection, through a cut in your skin for example, or a poisinous toxin, such as lead2.

Preguntas frecuentes

Es posible que las piernas solo duelan durante la noche, ya que la falta de movimiento puede hacer que las articulaciones o los músculos se sientan rígidos. Any high-intensity exercise or activity you’ve been doing throughout the day may finally be felt11.

It’s unclear whether nocturnal leg cramps are definitively linked to dehydration1. That said, dehydration is often associated with other muscle cramps, as fluids and what they contain help your muscles contract, relax and stay lubricated14.

El dolor óseo es menos frecuente que el dolor muscular y suele aparecer en forma de fractura, infección o afección subyacente15. Muscle pain may feel like a steady ache or sharp pain, depending on the cause, and is sometimes felt alongside muscle spasms and cramps16.

Asegúrate de leer y seguir siempre la etiqueta de los analgésicos de venta libre y consulta a tu médico si tienes alguna pregunta o inquietud.

Contenido relacionado


1. Nocturnal Leg Cramps.

2. Leg Cramps.

3. Night leg cramps.

4. Muscle Cramps.

5. Pregnancy week by week.

6. What is Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)?

7. Coronary Artery Disease.

8. Spinal stenosis.

9. Diabetic neuropathy.

10. Weiner IH, Weiner HL.Nocturnal Leg MuscleCramps. JAMA. 1980;244(20):2332–2333. Available at:

11. Knee pain.

12. Ankle Pain.

13. Night leg cramps Print.

14. Muscle cramp.

15. Bone pain or tenderness.

16. Muscle Pain.